
New opportunities in the labor market - specialty "Bioinformatics"

bioinformaticsFor all those who are looking for a promising industry that will be actively and dynamically developing in the coming decades not only in Germany, but also in other countries, and which will constantly need new specialists, the German state employment agency "Bundesagentur für Arbeit" advises to pay attention to the specialty "Bioinformatics".

Successful study in Bioinformatics in Germany requires good knowledge of biology, medicine, pharmacy, biochemistry or biotechnology. Because it is very important for this profession to have a good scientific background in biology and chemistry. 

The main task of Bioinformatics is to create algorithms and software that would simplify the work with the human genome to enable the search for the necessary therapies and drugs for the treatment of incurable diseases. Thanks to software developed by bioinformatics, researchers and scientists, the causes of genetically determined diseases are being searched for.

In addition, bioinformatics specialists create computer mathematical and biological models that predict the impact on the cause of the disease of certain components in drugs and thus create the optimal drug for the treatment of incurable diseases. Bioinformatics specialists are also creating convenient computer software that allows databases to quickly and accurately find the active ingredient needed to create any drug that scientists are currently working on, and thus improve existing therapeutic methods.

Graduates of the German faculties of Bioinformatics are in demand not only in the German labor market, but also in America and the United Kingdom. Bioinformatics usually work in research laboratories, pharmaceutical concerns, research projects at universities, as well as in biotechnology enterprises.

Useful addresses:

  1. Verband Deutscher Biologen und biowissenschaftlicher Fachgesellschafteb e.V... VDBIOL (This organization provides information on bioinformatics in Germany to anyone interested).
  2. Deutsche Industirevereinigung Biotechnologie... DIB (Here you will find information on research groups in the field of biotechnology and addresses of companies engaged in research in this field).
  3. Gesellschaft für chemische Technik und Biothechnologie... DECHEMA (Here you can find scholarships, research, seminars and refresher courses in bioinformatics and biotechnology).