
Life in Germany

life germanyLife in Germany is very different from everyday life in another countries in its pace and intensity. Time in Germany flies faster and is more eventful, especially for students. In addition, the quality of life is incomparably better than in the countries of Eastern Europe, there are no household problems that hinder living and development. For example, in German student dormitories there are not 5-8 students in a room like in many other countries, but mostly only one person.

In addition, Germany has the cheapest food among all countires of Western Europe. A foreign student in Germany will only need 150-200 Euros per month for very decent food.

Germans are quite interesting and cheerful people. They have many different holidays, which they always celebrate with grandeur. We say that Germans are callous and closed, but this is not so. It's just that they are completely different, but over time you can find an approach to them and become friends with them. When you have German friends, you will realize that they are very nice and kind people, ready to come to your aid in a difficult moment. Of course, there is a difference in worldview (mentality) between us and the Germans, but if you are surrounded by good people, then you do not feel this difference.

The average statistical salary in Germany is high and this applies not only to people of intellectual work, but also to working professions. For example, you will be paid from 7 to 12 euros for an hour of cleaning in the apartment. Agree that this is completely different money than what is offered for similar work in developing countries. A foreign student in Germany, without prejudice to studies, can easily earn about 600-800 Euros per month, which can cover your needs for accommodation, food and insurance

In Germany, it is very easy and cheap to travel both within and outside of Germany. In so-called "Schengen countries", you no longer need a visa if you are a student in Germany. Therefore, for 80-100 Euros, you can see Paris, Brussels, Barcelona, ​​Zurich, Amsterdam and many other European cities of your choice.

If you choose the right subject to study at a German university, then you will be able to find a well-paid job after graduation that will allow you to set up your life well in Germany and have a good life in Europe. But the most important thing is not to make a mistake with the specialty. 

Therefore, if you still have doubts about whether you should study in Germany, then cast aside all doubts and start preparing for admission to a German university.