
Higher education in Austria

high education austria 1The higher education systems of European countries are very confusing and different from the higher education systems in another countries. If you plan to study in Austria, then before applying to an Austrian university, you need to understand in detail the system of Austrian higher education. If you do not know the difference between the Austrian classical university and the Austrian university of applied sciences (dt. Fachhochschule), then the following table will help you, which shows the differences between these two forms of higher education in Austria. 

 Austrian Classical University or University of Applied Sciences in Austria, what to choose?

Classical University


University of Applied Sciences (dt. Fachhochschule)


theoretical education, with a bias towards science 


education is more practical; the practical semester of work at the enterprise on a specialty is always integrated into a studying course 

during studying you get an extensive knowledge of the specialty that has theoretical nature


while studying you get a little theoretical, but more practical knowledge of a highly specialized nature, which relates only to your specialty 

the student is required to have a high degree of self-organization and often longer periods of study; studying deadlines may vary 


this form of education provides a fixed curriculum and pre-set terms of studying 

a large number of students; lack of a permanent group that would study one specialty


permanent small study groups