
Documents for admission to an Austrian university

documents for austrian universityFor those who are going to enter Austrian higher education institutions and universities, it will not be superfluous to know in advance what documents you will need to enter an Austrian university. Here is a list of documents you will need when you enter a university or a higher education institution in Austria:

  • Passport.
  • Certificate of complete general secondary education.
  • Results of school final exams. 
  • Bachelor's or Master's degree with a transcript of records if you studied at home before at university.
  • Academic certificate from the university of completion of one or more courses, if you have previously studied at home. 
  • Completed forms of the Austrian university, which are required for admission to the university or other higher educational institution.
  • 2 Passport photos.
  • Results of entrance examinations to an Austrian university, if there are entrance examinations at the university.
  • German language certificate, for level  ÖSD C1, Goethe-Zertifikat C1 or TestDaF. 
  • CV
  • All documents must be submitted in the original and copies, and translated in German, and they must be apostilized and certified at the Austrian Embassy.
  • Applications must be submitted by September 1 or February 1 to enter the current semester (but it is better to apply 2 months in advance so that you can send some documents to an Austrian university if something goes wrong and you need some additional documents). .