
Vocational education in Austria

vocational education austriaIn Austria, in addition to classical universities, there is another form of education, such as universities of applied sciences (dt. Fachhochschule). This form of education in Austria occupies an intermediate position between higher education and vocational education. Therefore, it is difficult to unambiguously characterize this form of education.

Studying at the universities of applied sciences in Austria (dt. Fachhochschule) is very practice-oriented in contrast to studying at Austrian classical universities, where the educational process is more theoretical. Therefore, the Austrian universities of applied sciences can be said to offer vocational, technical, economic and social education. Education in the universities of applied sciences in Austria is possible in a limited range of specialties, such as: economics, engineering and IT spectrum, social sciences, media, design, specialties related to health and culture.

In Austria, there are 20 public universities of applied sciences (dt. Fachhochschule), where even about 80 specialties can be studied in English.  

University of applied sciences in Austria is a good and promising form of education in Austria, as this form provides a large share of practice in the chosen specialty. But the number of students in this form of education is very limited, so in many such universities of applied sciences there are entrance exams, which must be seriously prepared.