
Secondary education in Switzerland

secondary education switzerlandSwitzerland is famous all over the world not only for higher education, but also for secondary education (school education).

Switzerland has very good and high quality public schools. Swiss schools offer their students a quality and versatile education that fully meets the challenges that modern European society poses to its members. Moreover, the school system in Switzerland is very successful in preparing children for an independent successful life.

In addition to public schools, Switzerland also has a large number of private schools that offer students from all over the world a very high quality and promising Swiss education that takes into account the characteristics and needs of each individual student very well.

In Switzerland, schooling starts at the age of 4. This so-called Level 1 of the Swiss education system (dt. Primarstufe). For the first two years, children are in kindergarten, where they are actively preparing for school. Kindergarten attendance from the age of 4 is compulsory. This first educational stage of the Swiss school lasts 8 years. 95% of all children in Switzerland attend public educational institutions. Moreover, even if the parents of the child are refugees in Switzerland without a certain status, the child is still obliged to attend a Swiss public school and receive an education. 

After 8 years of primary school education, it is the turn of the transition to the 2nd educational Level (dt. Sekundarstufe 1) or the so-called. secondary school in Switzerland. This educational stage lasts 3 years and ends with the end of secondary school. In the Swiss canton of Ticino / Tessin, this educational stage lasts not three, but 4 years.

Thus, the first two educational stages in Switzerland are compulsory for all children who live in Switzerland and end with a certificate of complete general secondary education.

For those who are interested in Swiss private schools, here you will find a small list of private schools in Switzerland: