
Advanced training in Switzerland

advanced training switzerlandWith regard to advanced training in Switzerland, in Switzerland there are a huge number of opportunities to improve your qualifications or get a new one on the basis of already completed education.

Here you will find the most comprehensive list of various advanced training courses in Switzerland - Advanced training courses in Switzerland

For example, if you already have one secondary specialized education and would like to improve your skills in your specialty by delving into a particular topic, then there are a variety of certified courses that will help you do this. Examples of such courses are courses on the application of various working techniques, courses on communication, successful negotiation, conflict resolution, etc.

The maximum amount of study time for such courses can be 200 academic hours or approximately 20 working days. At the end of such courses, you receive a certificate that gives you the opportunity to confirm your newly acquired qualifications. You can find information about such courses in Switzerland here.

Another opportunity for advanced training in Switzerland is courses for those who already have a first higher education and work experience in their specialty. This type of advanced training assumes that you will acquire new knowledge and skills in the field of your professional activity and be able to actively apply them in practice. The maximum amount of study time for such courses can be 200 academic hours or approximately 20 working days. You also receive a state-recognized certificate upon completion of these courses, which confirms your new knowledge and skills. You can find information about this here.

But if you want to improve your qualifications in Switzerland more radically and possibly completely change your specialty and learn a new profession, then you can either get a secondary specialized education (in Switzerland this is called Diplom Höhere Fachschule, Eidgenössischer Fachausweis, Eidgenössisches Diplom). This type of education involves studying at an educational institution for a long period of time - from six months to 3 years. You can find very detailed information about (secondary specialized education in Switzerlandhere.

In addition, there is the opportunity to improve your qualifications within Swiss universities, or deepen your knowledge in your existing profession, or get a completely new promising profession at a Swiss university. In Switzerland, this type of advanced training is called - Certificate of Advanced Studies CAS, Diploma of Advanced Studies DAS, Master of Advanced Studies MAS. This type of education lasts a long time from one to five years, depending on the program. For example, the University of Zurich offers this type of advanced training. You can find more information about this  here.

Moreover, if you already have some qualification or education that you received abroad, then you can try to have it recognized in Switzerland, thus reducing your need to study in Switzerland. If your diploma obtained abroad is recognized for you, then you can either immediately start working in your specialty in Switzerland, or you will be asked to complete some exams that are missing your qualifications if your education is partially recognized. Recognition of your qualifications in Switzerland occurs in two ways. You can find an educational institution in Switzerland that teaches your specialty and try to recognize your qualifications at least partially through it. You will find information about this here.

Or you can also contact the administration of your canton where you currently live and ask which organization in your canton is responsible for the recognition of foreign qualifications. You can find more information about this here.