
Internship for students in Germany

internship germanyIn Germany, there are a large number of different types of internships for students, which they can take during their studies at German classical universities and so-called universities of applied sciences (dt. Fachhochschule), as well as directly after their graduation.

Recently, such a type of internship as Traineeprogramme is gaining popularity among students in Germany. This phenomenon arose in Germany about 10 years ago and is now actively gaining popularity among both students and employers. These programms are good, because they give the student the opportunity to get to know all areas of the company's activities, to communicate directly with the company's management and to prove themselves as a young and promising specialist.

The training programm in Germany at the company (dt. Traineeprogramm), unlike the internship, lasts from 6 months to 2-3 years, depending on the company. The internship programm at a German company is always paid, and the salary of students during such an internship can be 1,000-1,500 euros per month. In comparison, an internship at a German company usually lasts up to 6 months and may be unpaid.

Traineeprogramme are good because during the course of this programm, the student receives a mentor or a leading employee of the enterprise who is responsible for those who are undergoing an internship at this enterprise, and to whom you can always ask questions and get qualified help. 

Moreover, during the Traineeprogramme, you get the opportunity to spend part of your internship abroad at a company representative office, which is, of course, a big bonus for a young specialist.

The main general conditions for participation in the internship programm (dt. Traineeprogramm) are a high score of a university diploma, proficiency in German and English, as well as good leadership qualities.