
Distance education in Germany

distance education germany Many people who are interested in education in Germany greatly underestimate such a form of education as distance education (dt. Fernstudium). This is a very convenient form of education, especially for people who have already graduated from one university and have a permanent job. In addition, this form of education can change your life for the better if you have not been successful enough in your first profession, without giving up the job you currently have.

In Germany, this form of education is represented in more than 80 universities, 10 of which are full distance universtities. Moreover, with the active development of information technology, more and more universities offer online courses and fully online specialties. 

According to research, in the future, higher education in Germany will be completely online, as it is cheaper, more convenient and gives students more opportunities to model their own learning process, choosing courses that are more suitable for their purposes.

Unfortunately, distance education in Germany is not free if you want to get the distance education at a public or private university.

As for the prices for distance education in private universities, the prices vary greatly from 220 euros to 1,000 euros per month. The big advantage of private universities is that they strive to offer the most relevant specialties for the labor market, those for which you will immediately find a good job. 

The distance education in Germany takes various forms. For example, the whole learning process can only take place online; the distance education can take place in such a way as to require your presence at the university on weekends or during the week one day a week in the evening, there are also options when you have to come to university to take exams and spend the rest of the time studying online.