
Advanced training in Austria

advanced training austria Austria offers a wide range of adult advanced education courses and programms. The range of these courses and programs is so large that it is very easy to get confused. In this article we will try to understand this issue in detail.

In general, advanced training opportunities in Austria can be divided into the following sections::

  • Advanced training for graduates of universities and other types of universities (for example: Hochschule).

  • Advanced training for people without higher education or for all those who want to get a practical and applied profession in a short time.

Advanced training for graduates of universities and other types of universities is carried out within the framework of Austrian universities in the form of master's and doctoral programs, courses, seminars, workshops, summer camps, etc. For these programs and courses you need to apply directly to Austrian universities..

Professional development in the field of adult education is especially developed in Austria. This type of training includes the following opportunities:

  • Obtaining the specialty of coach, professional speaker and specialist in working with groups. 
  • Obtaining a specialty in management.  
  • Obtaining a specialty in the field of information management and librarianship..

Advanced training in one of the above areas involves obtaining the so-called wba-Zertifikat, which is the official certificate of receipt of this type of education in Austria. This certificate is valid throughout Austria and you can immediately start working with it in Austria.

If you are interested in these areas of professional development, you can find more information about it in catalog Weiterbildungsakademie Österreich (wba)

In addition, interesting refresher courses are offered by such organizations as:

Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenbildung

Ausbildungsinstitut für Erwachsenbildung Niederösterreich St. Pölten

Moreover, for those who do not have a higher education or want to quickly get a new practical specialty in a short time, there is an opportunity to study in Austria in one of the following practical specialties:

  • Assistant pharmacist
  • Secretary
  • Electrician
  • Florist
  • Photographer
  • Hairdresser
  • Gasifier
  • Plumber
  • Graphic designer
  • Yoga teacher
  • Confectioner
  • Nurse / Nurse
  • Masseur
  • Optician
  • Physiotherapist
  • Caretaker at the zoo
  • Veterinary assistant
  • Carpenter