
Documents for admission to a German university

documents for german universityFor those who want to enter to German higher education institutions, it will be useful to know in advance what documents you will need to enter to a German classical university or a German university of applied sciences (dt. Fachhochschule). Here is a list of documents that you will need when you apply for a bachelor's degree:

  • Certificate of complete general secondary education 
  • Results of school final exams 
  • Bachelor's degree with a transcript of records if you have previously studied at home at university. 
  • As well as a transcript of the grading system adopted at your university, if it is not indicated in your diploma
  • Completed and printed form from uni-assist
  • 1 photo as for a passport
  • Results of entrance exams to a German university (for creative majors)
  • German language certificate TestDaF, DSH, Telc C1 Hochschule, Gothe-Zertifikat C1
  • CV
  • Recommendation letters from professors at your university at home, if required by your German university
  • Motivation letter
  • A certificate of completion of the internship, if the German higher education institution requires it
  • TestAS results, if required by the German university where you wish to enroll
  • A health certificate if you wish to study in a sports specialty 
  • All documents must be submitted in copies and translated into German, and the translation must be notarized
  • As for the deadlines for submitting documents, they differ greatly from university to university, and the deadlines for submission must be specified separately each time