
Scholarships in Switzerland

scholarships switzerland Education in Switzerland is expensive. Therefore, not everyone can afford to study in Switzerland. But if you are a successful student and have good academic achievements, then you have a chance to try to get a scholarship to study in Switzerland, both full-time and part-time.

 But one should take into account the fact that in Switzerland there are no scholarships for foreign students to study since the beginning till a full bachelor's degree. In order to receive a scholarship to study in Switzerland, you must already have a bachelor's degree at home or in another country, or you must have already started studying at a Swiss university and study for one or two semesters.

There are partial scholarships from Swiss universities that can be given to an international student at a Swiss university who is already studying at that university for one or two semesters. For example, the possibility of such a scholarship exists at the University of Zurich. You can read more information about this here_UZH

In addition, information about scholarships for international students from other Swiss universities can be found here_and+

And in general, scholarships for foreign students for studying at universities in Switzerland are provided for studying for a master's degree or for writing a PhD paper. The more successful student you are, the higher your academic degree, and the more up-to-date research you do, the more likely you'll receive a scholarship for studying in Switzerland.

1. The first good opportunity to get a scholarship in Switzerland is the Bundes-Exzellenz-Stipendien for those who want to do research in Switzerland or artist who want actively to promote the arts in Switzerland. This scholarship aims to strengthen the exchange of young scientists and artists between Switzerland and 180 countries around the world. The target group of the Bundes-Exzellenz-Stipendien are young foreign scientists with a completed master's degree or foreign art students with a completed bachelor's degree. Information about this scholarship can be found  here.

2. Another opportunity to get a scholarship is the scholarship program Stipendien für das europäische Hochschulinstitut in Florenz. This scholarship program is designed for young doctoral students who are engaged in research in the fields of cultural history, social and historical sciences, as well as law and economics. This fellowship is for 4 years of research to be carried out at a dedicated research institute in Florence. Young doctoral students from around the world work on research at this research institute. The main condition for receiving this scholarship is participation in a research project, as a PhD student, and the focus of this research should be on European issues. You do not need to be a citizen of Switzerland or the European Union to receive this scholarship. Most importantly, you need at least 2 years before receiving a scholarship to study at a Swiss university and enroll in a PhD program in Switzerland. Information about this scholarship can be found  here.

3. Scholarship program Stipendien für das Europa-Kolleg in Brügge und Natolin. This program is aimed not only at the Swiss, but also at students from other countries of the world who have studied at least 2 years at a university in Switzerland. This program is designed for economists, lawyers, political scientists, diplomats, historians, as well as students whose main specialty is management and administration. Students who receive this Swiss government scholarship will have the opportunity to complete a master's degree in Belgium (Bruges) or Poland (Natolin) in the following specialties: “Master of Science in European Economic Studies”, “Master of European Law (LLM)”, “Master of Arts in European Political and Governance Studies”, “Master of Arts in EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies”, “Master of Arts in European Interdisciplinary Studies”. Information about this scholarship can be found  here.

4. In addition, if you are already studying at a university in Switzerland, then you have the opportunity to try to get a scholarship for further studies or for other scientific needs. Such scholarships are provided by the Swiss organization Schweizerische Studienstiftung. You can get more detailed information about this here_Schweizerische Studienstiftung.

5. Moreover, there are private companies in Switzerland that offer scholarships for international students to study at Swiss universities. You can find information about this here_and+