
Working as a financial advisor in Germany

financial advisor germany Working as a financial advisor in Germany in a consulting firm is a very prestigious and profitable occupation in the future.

Those with a degree in economics, finance, business administration (dt. BWL) or economics (dt. VWL) can except a job as a financial advisor at one of Germany's top consulting firms.

The best employers in this field in Germany are the following consulting companies: McKinsey & Company Europe, Bain & Company Europe, Oliver Wyman Europe, Roland Europe Berger, Implement Consulting Group, Arthur D. Little Europe. These companies are not only the main ones in the field of financial consulting services in Germany, but also offer very interesting forms of internships, internships for beginners, as well as very comfortable working conditions for professionals.

The financial advisor in Germany does a lot of work during the day, the meaning of his daily work is to help companies find answers to questions that appear in enterprises in connection with the purchase of new enterprises, access to new markets, digitalization of work processes, optimization of financial costs , search for new markets for their products, etc. The variety of topics that a financial advisor encounters in his daily work makes his work very interesting and diverse. And the constant search for non-standard solutions allows you to be creative, which makes the work of a financial advisor really interesting.

In terms of salary, the starting salary of a financial adviser in Germany is 44,000 euros per year in a small financial company with no more than 1,000 employees. If these are large companies with a staff of 1,000 or more, the initial salary at such company for a financial advisor will be 49 thousand euros per year.

In addition, the higher your position in the field of financial consulting, the higher is your salary. As an ordinary financial advisor, you can earn a maximum of 90 thousand euros a year. If you become a senior manager of a financial company in Germany, you can expect a salary of 130 thousand euros per year. So, if you are just choosing a major that you want to study in Germany, then you may need to think about becoming a financial advisor in Germany.