
German classical universities in North Rhine-Westphalia

deutsche klassische universitaten nordrhein westfalen

Bergische Universität Wuppertal (Wuppertal university) specialties: architecture, construction, electrical engineering, German studies, management and economics in healthcare, industrial design, computer science, information technology, food chemistry, pedagogy, political science, psychology, sociology, engineering economics, real estate management


FernUniversität in Hagen (FernUniversity in Hagen)  private specialties: culture, psychology, computer science, law, business informatics, electrical engineering and information technology, economics, management, legal studies, psychology of work and organizations


HHU Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Heinrich Heine university Düsseldorf) specialties: classical culture, economics, biochemistry, computer science, German studies, medicine, pharmacy, political science, psychology, law, sociology, dentistry


Private Universität Witten/Herdecke gGmbH (Private medical university Witten/Herdecke) private


Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (University of Bonn) specialties: agriculture, medical products, biomedicine, German, German as a foreign language, German law for foreigners, economics, nutrition and food sciences, German studies, culture and history of the "China, Mongolia, Tibet" region, computer science, life and medical sciences, medicine, molecular biomedicine, pharmacy, politics and society, psychology, law, sociology, dentistry


RUB Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Ruhr university Bochum) specialties: construction, biochemistry, electrical engineering and information technology, pedagogy, German studies, applied computer science, information security, law, management and economics, mechanical engineering, medicine, politics and economics of East Asia, (politics, economics, and society), psychology, economic law, sociology, economic psychology, economics, human resource management, organizational management, psychotherapy, economic and tax law


TU Technische Universität Dortmund (Technical university Dortmund) specialties: applied computer science, applied literature and culture, architecture and construction, construction process management and real estate economics, electrical and information technology, electrical engineering, pedagogy, German studies, computer science and journalism, logistics, mechanical engineering, music journalism, psychology, rehabilitative pedagogy, social pedagogy, sociology, engineering economics, scientific journalism


Universität Bielefeld (Bielefeld university) specialties: biochemistry, bioinformatics and genome research, German as a foreign language and German studies, ecology and diversity, pedagogy, German studies, history and culture of Latin America, computer science, clinical linguistics, molecular cell biology, molecular biology, political science, psychology, healthcare, law, law and management


Universität Duisburg-Essen (Duisburg-Essen university) specialties: applied computer science, construction, economics, computer engineering, electrical engineering and information technology, pedagogy, German studies, international relations and development policy, cultural studies, art and design, logistics management, mechanical engineering, medicine, medical biology, pharmaceutical medicine, political science, social work, sociology, technical logistics, economics, economic informatics, engineering and economics, economic pedagogy


Universität zu Köln (University of Cologne) specialties: ancient languages and cultures, economics, German language and literature, pedagogy, european legal linguistics, information processing, cultures and societies of Asia, linguistics and phonetics, psychology, law, sociology, languages and cultures of Africa, languages and cultures of the Islamic world, language therapy, economics, economic informatics, dentistry, medicine, political science, neurology, medicine


Universität Paderborn (Paderborn university) specialties: electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, economics, computer science, German, pedagogy, German studies, informatics, engineering informatics, international business, comparative literature and linguistics, linguistics, management of information systems, mechanical engineering, fashion, textile, design, popular music and media, pedagogy, economic informatics, engineering and economics, economic pedagogy


Universität Siegen (University of Siegen) specialties: accounting, taxation, and auditing, architecture, automation technology, construction, economics, education and social work, German, German and European economic law, electrical engineering, MBA, informatics, small and medium-sized business management, management and markets, mechanical engineering, mechatronics, pedagogy, social work, sociology, technical informatics, economics, economic informatics, engineering and economics, economics and politics


WWU Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Westphalian Wilhelms university in Münster) specialties: ancient cultures, Arab-Islamic culture, pharmaceutical science, economics, biotechnology, German, German as a foreign language, German law, economics and law, pedagogy, geoinformatics, German studies, informatics, clinical music therapy, food chemistry, medicine, molecular medicine, pedagogy, pharmacy, politics and law, politics and economics, political science, psychology, jurisprudence, sociology, economic informatics, economics and politics, dentistry