
Economic universities in Hamburg

wirtschaftliche universitaten hamburg

BAH Berufsakademie Hamburg (Hamburg Academy) specialties: business economics, technology and management of renevable energy sources


EBC Hochschule Hamburg (Hamburg European college of applied sciences)  private

Euro-FH Hamburg (European distance learning institute in Hamburg)  private

HAW Hamburg (Hamburg University of applied sciences) specialties: clothing - technology and management, economic informatics, international management, logistics and technical economics, marketing, economics engineer, trade management in the textile business, international business and logistics, international business and marketion, management in social and health care

Helmut-Schmidt-Universität (Helmut Schmidt military university in Hamburg) specialties: business economics, economics of the national economy

HFH Hamburger Fern-Hochschule (Distance learning institute in Hamburg)  private

HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration (Hamburg business school)  private

ISS International Business School of Service Management Hamburg (International business school of service management in Hamburg)  private

UHH Universität Hamburg (Hamburg University) specialties: businee economics, social economy, economics of the national economy, economics and culture of China, economic informatics, economic mathematics